I write Daily Pages every day. I have tried to get out in the garden to write & try to do it first thing. I have found it really helps set my mood for the day & often inspires some creative ideas to appear. I just write to empty my head.

For me, this is different from journaling. I have also started this & have found it really good for relaxing me. I have looked at bullet journals but they are far too complicated so I have a simple planner. What both the planner & journals (I have two) give me in the chance to be creative with colours & ephemera as well as sharing my thoughts on particular subjects. I post to my twitter feed & Instagram if you want to have a look!

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That’s interesting Julia thanks for sharing. The emptying your head angle I hadn’t really thought of. Going to think about this as sounds very beneficial. I agree on the structured journaling being too complicated, I prefer to be more free form myself although I’m sure prompts are really useful to some of us. I’m not sure I’m brave enough to share my posts like you! But been seeing them on Twitter. I find I am far more fluent typing as can type much quicker than hand write, but again depends on what different methods bring you. Just good to experiment!

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